We offer among the most advanced, non-surgical technologies for radiation treatment of prostate cancer in the Bay Area. These technologies allow us to be minimally invasive while reducing common side effects.

Planning the Therapy

We use various imaging modalities, such as ultrasounds, bone scans, CT scans, and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to visualize and diagnose the presence of cancer and help to map out the course of treatment.

RapidArc® Therapy

RapidArc® therapy is the most advanced and highly precise IMRT, intensity modulated radiation treatment, available for prostate cancer. It allows us to target cancerous tissue with radiation via tightly focused beams, sparing the surrounding healthy tissue.

How it works

RapidArc® delivers each treatment in a single revolution (or “arc”) in approximately 90 seconds — up to eight times faster than the traditional IMRT delivery time. This rapid delivery improves treatment accuracy by minimizing the time that the patient has to hold still and by ensuring that the arc is completed before there is any unintentional motion of the prostate.

In addition, the dose from RapidArc® is not delivered in one session. Instead, it is divided into smaller doses that are administered once each weekday for 7 to 9 weeks, with each visit lasting about 10 to 15 minutes.

AlignRT® is at the center of Vision RT’s Surface Guided Radiation Therapy (SGRT) solutions. It’s a system that tracks a patient’s position before and during radiation therapy, to aid in setup and treatment accuracy and can help reduce treatment times by an average of 22% per fraction.

An entirely non-invasive and contact-free technology, AlignRT uses 3D stereo cameras to track the skin’s surface and compare it to the ideal position in the treatment plan with submillimetric accuracy for all patient skin tones, couch, and gantry angles.

Our linear accelerator is manufactured by Varian and utilizes on board imaging for targeting. In addition, it is equipped with AlignRT, a sophisticated surface guided targeting system that allows us to monitor micro movements during treatment delivery.

Prostate Cancer

For prostate cancer patients, Dr. Kornguth is an expert in performing gel spacing procedures to avoid radiation damage to the rectal tissue. Barrigel is Dr. Kornguth’s preferred option since the gel is comprised of hyaluronic acid, a natural substance that our body makes. The gel is injected under local anesthesia, and patients have the option of using nitrous oxide to make the procedure as easy as possible.


Breast Cancer

Breast cancer treatment requires specialized equipment to successfully treat the cancers while avoiding side effects. Golden gate cancer Center has the most modern surface guided targeting systems available in AlignRT. We utilize breath hold techniques and advanced planning techniques to avoid side effects.